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tv   Americas Election Headquarters  FOX News  November 7, 2012 6:00am-8:00am PST

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>> steve: no kidding. larry, sit tight. we're going to talk to you in the after the show show. folks would like to watch that, log on right now. >> gretchen: have a fantastic date. check out brian on the radio. >> brian: hope so. hear you. bill: so good morning again, everyone. four more years president obama winning a second term edging mitt romney by some of the thinnest margins some have seen in the popular vote in some time. but president obama win where he needed to win. taking most of the key battleground states that put him over the top in the electoral college. we welcome you here to a good morning. i'm bill hemmer. you look no worse for the wear,
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by the way. i squeeze in two hours so i'm fresh. martha: i'm martha maccallum. president obama with 303 was the magic number in electoral votes. romney at 206 though that number could change because the results from the battlegrounds of florida not yet in. you need 270 to win and the president crossed that magic number around what time? bill: 11:17 p.m. martha: he says the best is yet to come in his administration and he's willing to work with americans to solve america's problems. >> despite all the frustrations of washington, i have never been more hopeful about our future, i have never been more hopeful about america and i ask you to sustain that hope.
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i believe we can keep the promise of our founder. if you are willing to work hard be it doesn't matter where you come from, where you work or how love or what you look like. it doesn't matter whether you are able, disabled, gator straight, you can make it here in america if you are willing to try. bill require want to start with byron york. byron, good morning to you. in boston we find you there. let's go through this. how did the president's team put together this winning coalition. >> he reassembled the coalition he had in 2008. did extremely well with the groups i had done well with before, women, especially unmarried women, blacks, latinos, a number of groups republicans thought would be discouraged and would drift away
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from the president, they didn't drift away from the president. going to obama rallies, they were pretty fired up and they showed up on election day. bill: you have been talking to the romney camp. what are they saying about how and where they came up short. >> i ran into romney's entire brain trust. many of them were pointing a finger at hurricane sandy. that romney had momentum in the polls and after that the momentum was broken. and some said that obama had done enormous damage in may, june and july. but there were big issues at stake in this campaign. two different views of governing, higher taxes were more regulation and more spending and the vote terse chose president obama's. bill: now, you go to the issue
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of governing. what is the expectation of this group in washington now. >> i think that obviously president obama is going to try to use his victory which is very their coto press his agenda to raise taxes on higher income americans. i do not see republicans want to go give in on that at all. i think the fiscal cliff will be relatively unchanged. look at what we have had. we had this election. president obama is still going to be president. john bane letter still be speaker of the house and harry reid will still be the senate majority leader. not a lot has changed. bill: byron york. martha: just before 1:00 a.m. eastern time governor mitt romney stepped on the stage to thank this supporters.
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he told american people there is much work to be done and he called on law makers from both sides of the aisle to do it together. >> the nation as you know is at a critical points. at a time like this we can't risk partisan bickering. this is a time of great challenges for america and i pray the president will be successful in guiding our nation. i so wish, i so wish that i had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction. by the nation chose another leader. so ann and i join with you to ernestly pray for you and this nation. you guys are the best. thank you so much. bill: a humble mitt romney thanking his family and paul
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ryan. he said he gave it his all and believes in the american people. martha: election day 2012 is now in the history books. but in the battleground state of florida the race is not over. the president with 50%, governor romney with 49%. phil keating joins us live in tampa. how many votes do they believe remain to be counted in florida? >> reporter: 10s of thousands of ballots are just now beginning to be processed in six florida counties. these are absentee ballots that arrived by 7:00 p.m. last night. but as it stands right now. aside from all those people you saw waiting in super long lines at miami-dade county it was 1:00 in the morning where one woman finally made her vote count. president obama over governor romney has 46,000 vote lead out
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of 8.3 million ballots cast. with these absentee balance on the it seems improbable governor romney could win all of them and make up that difference. martha: as we were reporting all year florida would come down to the i4 vote and the voters there defied the polls. >> reporter: a poll came out last week showing romney would beat president obama by points on the i4 corridor. but taking a look at the map of the state of florida, president obama decisively won key heavily populated counties. pinellas county, hillsboro county where tampa is and orange county all going to president obama. for governor romney's road path
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to victory, he had to win florida. president obama's campaign said all along we would like to win in florida but we don't have to win in florida to get beyond 270 and that's what the obama campaign proved last night. martha: you look at calculus and the exit polls and you try to pick through the tea leaves and determine what made the difference. and really when i think about it, the analysts had florida in mitt romney's column for quite some time. what do you think of why it went the other way? >> it was always going to be a close vote in the state of florida. but real clear politics had romney winning florida by 1.5%. republican strategists predicting a 3 percentage point win for romney yesterday. but there is a lot of dem graph can change in this i4 corridor.
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a lot of it is the influx of puerto ricans as well as south americans strongly going for obama. martha: a lot of changing demographic is one of the conversations being had today. stock futures this morning are way down as the opening bell is set to ring and wall street for the first day of trading off president obama's reelection. the clock is ticking and that will be something that was not discussed a heck of a lot during course of this campaign. that's the fiscal cliff that's approaching of big tax increases and across the board spending cuts that are set to go into effect at the end of this year. let's bring in stuart varney host of "varney and company" on the fox business network. what do you think the reaction will be on the market. >> reporter: the market shows it will be down about 100 points for the dow jones industrial
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average. president obama has more clout to push through his policies. he has more influence and leverage and the democrats picked up power in the senate. you can expect three areas of policy where the president will probably get his way. there are likely to be tax increases on upper income earners plus tax increases on interest, capital gains and medicare. obama-care won't be touched. it stays in place. there are toxin creases within obama-care. number three, the president's own plan for the future economically calls for another $1 trillion a year in extra debt take us to a total of 20 trillion in 2016. the president's new position means probably more tax hikes, definitely obama-care stays, and definitely more debt. martha: what about spending cuts, stuart?
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>> reporter: this is an opinion, i suspects spending cuts will be parts of the negotiations, but any spends can cuts will probably put off into the distant future. tax increases now, spending cuts promised for the future. martha: the market set to open considerably lower on the heels of that. bill: you want to know how close this was, look at the popular vote. 100 million votes cast based on the numbers you are about to see and the margin of difference. look at that. see how close that is? that is remarkable. it's about a 2 million difference at the moment. look at the electoral college map saying how could this be so different? you win the battleground states that were up for grabs which is what president obama did last night and that's how go over 300, 303 at the moment. we'll see which way florida goes
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that could go higher over 330. the race for the white house fronts and center. president obama managed to win reelection with close to 8% unemployment. no one has run with that hang over his head and been successful. >> in the coming weeks and months i am looking forward to reaching out and working with leaders of both parties to meet the challenges we can only solve together. martha: to do that he will have to work with speaker of the house john boehner. hear what he recently told america's newsroom about his relationship with the president and the prospect of working together. >> i spent my life playing the hand i was dealt. if that's the hand i'm dealt after tuesday i'll play it. [ male announcer ] when was the last time something made your jaw drop?
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martha: a small lining for congressman paul ryan. governor romney's running-mate easily winning his election. a seat he has held since 1998. still seen as a rising star within the republican party. already some speculation out there. the talk will begin as early as this morning about 2016 and who the main players are for that. here is a look at four of them on the ticket last night. bill: the president still is the president. the house, though, will be controlled by republicans and the senate controlled by democrats. charles krauthammer late last night does not expect there to be much giver on either side. he won by going very small, very negative and we are left as a country exactly where we started but a little bit worse off.
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what will he do? he will go back to who he is. people have said he should be a clinton and compromise on a successful second term. he's a man of the left. he will try to push his agenda through with what he thinks is a mandate. bill: he's not instinctively a moderate. ed rollins, fox news contributor. you say that typically in politics you go through cycles and you have seen a few yourself. how do we understand this now in that series of cycles? >> we have to look at where the electorate is today. we lost -- the battleground states were republican party states, we lost them two cycles in a row. we have to find out how do you get 50% plus one. we didn't know how to do that yesterday. we have to start thinking in terms of latino voters and young
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women voters. we have to have a plan for the future. the critical thing in charles' interesting piece, 20 years ago yesterday ronald reagan won an extraordinary landslide. tip o'neil said the same thing, he does not have a mandate, i still control the congress. reagan had an extraordinary second term. but he had the office of the presidency and could do a lot with it. bill: because of his win and the man thate won and a land slide. >> he had the office. george w. bush won a second term with a narrow victory. holding the office entitles you to do all the duties of the president, commander-in-chief of the military and you are have much a part and a player. so whether he won by 1% or 10%, he has the job and he now can move forward.
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bill: hispanics favored him by 4 percentage points. african-americans 80%. asians, 50%. 7.9% unemployment. that's the figure we are give up from washington. that defies economic and political gravity. >> i think what happened is a numbness. i think unfortunately, mr. romney carried the mantel of our party courageously and bravely, but he didn't explain what economics is. he almost had to be the teacher telling us about econ-101. here is how america will work. governments can create jobs. bill: you are suggesting he did not do that successfully. >> he didn't convince the majority of the people in the country that was the message.
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i think through the first debate he reached being an acceptable alternative by closed the polls up. he did not reach the level of where he was not just an acceptable alternative, he was what people wanted, maybe a very narrow victory. bill: reading from the "wall street journal" today. significant shares of americans continue to think things will not be better for their children than they are for today's adults. an erosion in traditional american optimism. >> that's a terrible thing. this country has lived on optimism and the president himself is a great story of optimism. mitt romney is a man of great success. there are a lot of stories every day that happen. by you have got to have that dream for your children and every generation has to move forward. unless we get that optimism back -- bill: in the microsense and the
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macro sense, after being in ohio twice in the last 8 days what was clear to me after the 2008 victorier to president obama he didn't close up shop. he paid staffers. they kept field operations there. it was disconcerting, the republicans in that state, they did not feel they were 100% until mid-september. was the story to be told about obama's victory the ground game, getting out the vote. something he learned on the south side of chicago? >> they executed the ground game. they said they were coming right back at you again. it's like the green bay packers of vince lombardi until somebody stops me. and my sense is we knew where they were coming and they ran right over us. bill: as long as you are getting first downs, keep the football. martha. martha: election day seeing its
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shaffer ballot problems as it always does. and again reports of electronic voting machines showing the wrong candidate chosen. we have a live report on that. bill: people still reeling from sandy can see half of foot of snow. what is up with the nor'easter that is going to hit the same folks that were hit 10 days ago. '! but there's more in you than just circuits and wires! uhhh. (cries) a machine can't give you what a person can. that's why ally has knowledgeable people there for you, night and day. ally bank. your money needs an ally. music is a universal language. but when i was in an accident... i was worried the health care system spoke a language all its own with unitedhealthcare, i got help that fit my life. information on my phone. connection to doctors who get where i'm from.
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bill: democrats maintaining the balance of power in the senate. the republican losing ground in massachusetts where democrat elizabeth warren defeated the incumbent scott brown. warren is the first woman elected to the senate from massachusetts. she had a message to her opponents. >> i want to speak to senator brown's supporters. the message you sent was clear.
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we need leaders in washington who are willing to work regardless of party. bill: two years ago brown stunned the democrats when he won the senate seat held for decades by ted kennedy. he won with tea party help. >> i promise you to be that interest voice from massachusetts and i have never ever, ever regretted any decision i made for you. you know what the most difficult part of this is? i now have to break the news to my truck that i'll be taking it home. bill: that the reference to the pickup truck that he had hundreds of thousands of miles on it. he drove it during the campaign and used it in tv ads. martha: people on the east coast
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struggling to recover from superstorm sandy are once again told to leave their homes. a nor'easter, heavy rains and winds and even snow forcing mandatory evacuation orders' you have got plane cancellations. what can we expect as a result of this storm in meteorologist maria molina is joining us from the fox news weather center. >> reporter: a major storm impacting the northeast after sandy made landfall across the northeast causing so much damage. we'll expect strong winds from this storm. the storm is going to be ramping up as we head into tonight and early tomorrow morning. you will continue to see conditions deteriorating act northeast, new jersey, long
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island and parts of new england the next 24 hours. this will be a relatively quick mover. we are not talking about a prolonged period of time and strong winds like we did with sandy. we could be seeing more power outages and more trees down. storm surge as high as 4 feet is forecast across long island. the storm should continue top move northward. by 6:00 p.m. thursday the center should be off the coast of the state of maine. the temperatures are hovering around the 30s and 40s and some of that rain will be transitioning to snow. portions of delaware, parts of eastern maryland, up through portions of new england. widespread. 1-3 inches forecast. 3-6 inches forecast. up to 6 inches of snow.
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hope everyone stays safe. the concern the governor was talking about is that water will be pushed even further inland. we'll keep an eye on it with your help. bill: we know the economy was issue one on the minds of the voters. president obama winning even with the 7.9% unemployment. what can we expects in a second term. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert
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bill: the economy on the voterss they went to the polls. until yesterday no president since fdr had won reelection with such a high jobless rate. 7.9%. it is nowhere near where it should be for a healthy recovery at this point. herman cain joins me now. the former republican candidate for president. good morning, mr. cane, good to have you with us today. how do you explain that? why do you think voters were okay with a second term regardless of the fact unemployment remains high. >> the voters that reelected president obama looked past broken promises, they looked
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past a stagnant economy and they vote for popularity. he ran a popularity campaign, not a campaign of substance, unfortunately from my perspective he won based on popularity and what i foresee in the coming months sooner rather than later unemployment will go up. the number of business closures are going to increase. i heard directly from business people who told me this, and tax are going to go up. that's what people can look for in the short term and long term. martha: i'm wondering why you think that is. i wonder if some people have sort of separated the president -- any president in this case from the responsibility of running the economy. have they gone the to a point where they are enchanted and they think this is just the way it is in america and it's not particularly anybody's fault. is that where we are? >> i don't think so. we are a divided nation, not on
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political ideology the way it may have been several decades ago. we are divide on class warfare, we are divided racially and divided in terms of small things, not the big things. so i don't think we got to that point, i just think unfortunately 50% of the electorate really don't look deep enough at the substance of some of these big issues and as a result we are going to be stalled right where we are today. martha: here is the tougher reality in the numbers. the dow down 178 points. some of the sentiment you mentioned at the top of this segment in terms of the business outlook and the reaction that will be had by a lot of small businesses and folks thinking about expanding their companies and things along those lines may rethink those plans. >> you are absolutely right. monday the market was up. i think the market was up because many businesses were
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anticipating a romney win because he had momentum and the polls showed it was close. a day after the election a lot of businesses are contracting already. people who invested in the stock market are expecting lower earnings because they know what most businesses will do is they are going to try to find a way to survive. with all the regulations and the anticipated increase in taxes they are not expecting to be able to expand their profits like they would if the economy was going another direction. >> they may pull in instead of expand because they want to make sure they can keep the employees they have, keep everybody covers and not get in over their heads. i'm fascinated by the exit polls. i was struck by the fact that in the national poll, who can better handle the economy, president obama 47%, mitt romney 51%. mitt romney had an advantage in that area. who would better handle the
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federal budget deficit. 47-49. but you might have expected that margin to be wider. that was mitt romney's sole argument. that he had the business experience and he could lead the country to a better economy. but folks didn't really give him a big stretch advantage on that. >> exactly. that's probably the most confusing outcome and that is, even though they felt as if governor romney would have done a better job the economy, they still vote for president obama because he has the quality of being a popular president. it really boils down to popularity. he ran a popularity campaign. you also had an exit poll you showed earlier where a lot of people felt the country was on the wrong track. but yet they voted for president obama anyway. so it was all about popularity in the end, or approximately 50%
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of the electorate. in the battleground states it was enough to get him over the top. popularity. martha: herman cain, thank you. good to speak with you. bill: we have billions spent on the campaign. when the dust settles, the white house, the senate, the house, pretty much the same. what can voters expect from their leaders? have a his stop john boehner telling me three days before the vote that the game is still on to figure out how to figure out how the biggest issues facing the country are still there. >> the middle of february we'll have to raise the debt limit and we are not going to do that without reforms. we can't continue to kick our spending habit down the road. it has to be dealt with. bill: you are saying we are not
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going over that cliff. >> i'm going to do everything toik avoid it.
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martha: i can't even believe i'm saying this. on the east coast they are starting to cancel a lot of flights because of this nor'easter head our way. in and out of the new york city area you will see a lot of a paralysis. remember last time around? 24,000 flights were canceled as a result of hurricane sandy. now we have a similar situation it's a smaller storm and it's suppose to not be here quite as long. you will get 1 to 3 to 6 inches of snow and freezing rain. the airports are starting to hunker down. we'll keep you posted. bill: president obama saying he wants to meet with governor
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romney to resolve our problems. looming fiscal crisis. only 60 days away. the president faces a divide congress and speaker boehner saying he will not budge on the president's plan to raise taxes. >> the american people want solutions and tonight they responded by renewing our republican house majority. the american people also made clear there is no mandate for raising tax rates. bill: that statement and that battle -- jonah goldberg, good morning to you. it's good to have you here with us. where does that battle join do you believe now? >> john boehner has a pretty good case to make in terms of inside the beltway, inside the
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republican party and conservative movement. the tea party caucus. they were essentially reelected and boehner has had a consistent message and he's the highest ranking republican in the country. his negotiating position is actually very strong. barack obama's negotiating position is weaker in the sense he's not looking to get reelected and galvanize his base. he's going for legacy, he's going for the big deal so he has more incentive to meet boehner. if boehner is heartfelt or a starting negotiating position we'll find out. bill: these are the two most powerful men in america. john boehner sees himself as the fire wall to prevent the spending on the left. the relationship these two men
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have and how they look at the issues -- wins on mars, one is on saturn. watch this from ohio sunday. bill: is it true at one point you said when you have conversations with the president you feel like you are on one planet and he is on the other. >> well, when it comes to policy it's almost as if we speak two different languages. i come from the background as a small businessman. he comes from the back grounds of being a community organizer. i say the word investment i'm talking about people investing their money in themselves and their family. he says the word investment he's talking about taxpayer dollars being thrown at things like solyndra. it's very different. sometimes it's very hard to have a conversation where you can actually have a conversation. bill: that goes to the granted
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bargain that if try was that close to happening. what boehner has organized publicly is the president lost his courage and it did not happen. how do these two men tack against each other now? >> i like boehner's rhetoric about the small businessman. but i think the reality is the two different languages have more to do with the fact that john boehner knows how to cut a deal. he's an old washington hand at work out legislative compromises and political compromises and barack obama simply isn't. we learn from the woodward book that obama basically isn't very hands on or capable at work out these kinds of deals which is why joe biden often has to work with republicans and nancy pelosi allegedly hit mute on the speaker phone while barack obama was talking so she could get some work done. i think there is a disconnect in
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so far as barack obama went into this office thinking that it was about giving great speeches and moving the public to give him the political support he could 40s other side to cave in and that's not how washington works. john boehner has a strong hand. bill: kirsten powers. up late last night. i don't know if you slept or not, but that's okay. >> a little. bill: on the issue of the relationship of these two men and whether they are willing to go back to this grand bargain, how do you reflect on that now as this soaks in? >> i guess looking at what john boehner has said, look at the interview of what he said, it doesn't give me a lot of hope. there still seems to be this attitude on the part of the republicans that they don't need to meet obama even halfway.
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they keep putting it off on barack obama. i noticed this morning that what you keep hearing over and over is obama doesn't have a mandate, this was such a close race. i'm not saying he necessarily has a mandate. but i have to disagree with the idea this tase close race. this isn't a close race. he won by 100 electoral votes. people can talk about the fact that the popular vote is close, but that's not how our elections were run. if it were obama would have run a different campaign and gone after the popular vote. bill: you will get a strong disagreement on the right. boehner argued democrats in the senate have to produce and for 3 1/2 years they have not. what do they do now? >> of course they do. one of the interesting things is nothing has changed, right? the senate is pretty much the same the house is the same and the president is the same.
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it's interesting americans have voted for more of the same. and i think that what i hope we are not going to get is more of this gridlock, and joa is right. obama is not a deal maker. something has to give on that front, obama has to be able to deal with these people on the hill. they have to meet him halfway, too. bill: for the record, the last time these two men talked. on the telephone brief conversation mid-september. last time they talked in person. july. see you, jonah. see you, kirsten. martha: a nation divided in the popular vote. why someone who serves in the clinton white house says obama need to be humble in his opinion. we'll talk to lanny davis. bill: we have been watching the
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story about possible voter fraud in ohio. a live update on that as we continue our series and investigation and our program continues after a brief break on the morning after november 7.
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martha: new concerns about voting issues in a number of states. senior correspondent eric shawn is in cleveland. tell us about some of the problems being reported there. >> reporter: it's the morning after which means it's time for wednesday morning quarterback. we heard about the long lines and the hours of waiting. six hours in polling places in florida. we heard about machines breaking
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down. scanners that didn't scan. people showing up being told they were not on the voter rolls. some when they showed up an absentee ballot was in their name and it didn't match their signature. there was illegal voting in chicago. two -- one judge was a democrat the other a republican. they were replaced, this happened and involved several votes we are told where people came into a polling place, were not registered and allowed to sign the voting book. they say this point out the importance of having independent observers at the polls. martha: we understand not all the votes have been counted in ohio. >> reporter: they have the provisional ballots to go. voting rights advocates are
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concerned about the number of provisionals required yesterday. you have got a spread between president obama and mitt romney of 100,000. but more than double that number of provisional ballots that have not been included. more than 30,000 in heavily democratic cuyahoga county. they will have 10 days to go back to election officials to say who they are for their ballots to be counted. they won't be counted until november 17 or 18. but officials have called this race and they are looking through the problems that occurred here and elsewhere yesterday. bill: with the race for the white house in the rearview mirror. what is next for the former governor of massachusetts. >> like so many of you, paul and i have left everything on the
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that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. martha: we start now with this fox news alert, americans giving the president four more years to get the economy back on track. president obama edging out governor romney to win a second term. brand-new hour now of "america's newsroom." good morning, everybody. i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. good to have you with us at home tk a today as we chew through the numbers and find out where we go next as a country together. we heard a similar message in both of the election night speeches late last night. governor romney called on washington to put the partisan bickering aside and the president says in chicago he is willing to do just that. >> we are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions, and
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remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. >> we looked at democrats and republicans in government and at all levels to put the people before the politics. i believe in america, i believe in the people of america. [cheers and applause] martha: that was the theme of mitt romney's campaign. fox team coverage starts right now. john roberts with the future for mitt romney. we start with wendell goler live from chicago. both sides promising bipartisanship. is that a pre at? >> we'll see, martha. quite frankly the changes are modest the president returning for four more years with a slightly larger democratic majority in the senate, the republicans have a smaller majority in the house though they still control it. the two parties must come up with a budget deal to avoid tax hikes and spending cuts at the end of the year that could rigor another recession.
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president obama becomes the president reelected with the highs unemployment rate since franklin roosevelt and he promised to reach across the aisle more in his second term. >> whether i earned your vote or not, i have listened to you, i have learned from you, and you've made me a better president. and with your stories and your struggles, i return to the white house more determined and more inspired than ever about the work left to do and the future that lies ahead. [cheers and applause] >> the big issue the two parties still have to resolve is whether to increase taxes to come up with part of the money to reduce the deficit. neither the president nor house speaker john boehner signaling compromise on that in their post-election comments, martha. martha: no doubt as the president points out there is a lot of work to be done, and they will have to get down to it, because you've got that looming fiscal cliff that we are headed towards right now. what are the analysts as they
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short of chew over what happened last night, what are they saying? >> it was ohio that decided the election for the president last night, that's because the once reliably red state of virginia had already been called for him. fox news predicted at 11:15 the president was reelected a minute or so after declaring him the winner in ohio. mr. obama wound up with about 300 electorial votes before florida was counting, that is more than the university of virginia's larry sabato predicted. he says republicans didn't choose their congressional candidates wisely, something they'll need to change by 2014. >> the early prediction is republicans will do well because it's the 6th year itch, the 6th year of a two term administration, it's usually a disaster for the incumbent president. let me add a caveat, republicans actually have to nominate good candidates. look at how many seats in the senate they've thrown away in
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2010 and 2012 by nominating poor candidates. >> the race was the most expensive ever, billions spent by the candidates and support groups, much of that on negative ads and swing state residents will be happy to see those end. martha. martha: thank you very much. bill: after six years of campaigning in a second failed presidential bid governor romney now graceful in defeat last night at his headquarters in boston and john roberts was there. he's live in boston this morning now. we heard the president make a reference that he would reach out to governor romney for his ideas or what he thought was best for the country. what is next on that front and what is next for governor romney? >> i think it's pretty easy to say, bill that if he were to get an invitation from the president to come to the white house to talk about policy governor romney would obviously take it. there is no word yet at this point what the governor plans to do for the rest of today, let alone for the rest of his
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career, whether he'll remain a leader in the gop for a while or go back to the private sector. he has indicat indicated he would likely not run again in 2016. he would be ronald reagan's age when he what's elected. he could go back to the corporate world. it's not like he needs the money. here is a guy who likes to stay busy and that's one of the reasons he ran for president, not because he needed it, because he wanted to serve. >> i ran for office because i'm concerned about america. this election is over, but our principles endure. i believe that the principles upon which this nation was founded are the only sure guide to a resurgent economy and to a renewed greatness. >> reporter: all this talk about him wanting to stay busy aside i think it's probably safe to say he's going to take a little time off after the long hard campaign. bill: well deserved. aoup been on thaoup been --
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you've been on the road for two months. >> reporter: i spent a lot of time with governor romney back in the 2008 primary campaign. i got the sense that this year the guy who was running for the republican nomination earlier this year was not the real mitt romney, because of political considerations he was forced to runway to the right and that character really didn't achieve a great degree of likability among the american people. i think the mitt romney that we saw in the last couple of weeks, the more moderate centrist reach across the aisle mitt romney was more who he really is. unfortunately for him the obama campaign had very effectively defined him as a rich guy who really didn't care about ordinary americans, and that ultimately may have been his downfall in this campaign. the republican party also has to do a lot of thinking, bill. if you want to win the white house you've got to get over 50%, and when you lose 11 points among women, 44 points among hispanics, 27 points among young people and 87 points among
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african-americans, that is not a formula to get over 50%. i think there is going to be a lot of hard thinking about where they want to go in the future here now that they've lost the white house for a second time. bill: interesting as we watch this unfold again and it will continue to unfold. john roberts, thank you, live in boston this morning. martha: former presidential candidate congresswoman michelle bachmann won a close re-election race in minnesota. she managed to hold off a challenge from jim graves by just under 4,000 votes. bachmann ran for president this year but dropped out after losing the iowa caucuses, she what's elected in 2006 and found epd th founded the tea party caucus. with 99% of the precincts reporting congressman jeff flake born and raised in arizona defeated richard carmona who was president bush's surgeon general.
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that was a really interesting race. carmona -- 50% for jeff flake and 45% for car moa carmona. in his victory speech flake said he will make tough decisions that he was elected to make. >> i can tell you decisions i make won't be popular, not every vote i cast will be popular. i can guarantee you, every vote i cast and decision i make will be made knowing what is at stake and nothing that this state has to have a brighter future. martha: that is jeff flake after his victory last night. the two were locked in a dead heat for most of the campaign seasons making it one of the tightest races the state has seen in 30 years. all right. let's go over to you, bill. bill: you know, martha, we were talking about ohio, from it seems like the beginning of time. that state played out last night in many ways i we expected.
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it would be the most prized state on the entire map with 18 electorial votes and it's hard to see either man win the white house without winning ohio. it was close, 50-48. some votes will be tabulated over the coming days and weeks. where did mitt romney not capitalize in the state of ohio. we always know the democratic votes are up here around cleveland. tend to do well in the middle part of the street, franklin county, that is columbus. in the southwestern part of the state this will be a surprise to the republican party not only in hamilton county, cincinnati but also a republican party across the state. this is the county that they wanted to make blue and make it red again. had not been blue until 1964, it was reliably republican territory. but you lose votes down here when you don't win the county. the other area i want to point out is these are strong republican areas up in warren
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county. mitt romney did really well, 69% of the vote in that county alone. go back to 2004. you want to see what you need to win that state now? if president bush was at 72%. in a close race like this 2 and 3 points in counties like that can make the difference. mike tobin is live in columbus yet again this morning. mike, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, bill. if you want to look for a cause you can boil it down or simplify it to two words, auto bailout. and to back that up let's look at some of what we got from the exit poll. you look at the numbers, what people said as they left the polls, 6 in 10 ohio voters supporill out. other people who supported the auto bailout, 75% of them cast their vote for the president. to really get into the nitty-gritty let's take one more look at the county by county break down. you look across ohio mitt romney took most of the real estate, but the president took most of the population centers, particularly as you look to the north of the state the areas
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where the manufacturing is located. the democrats did a good job of communicating the idea that the president would protect the manufacturing jobs. mitt romney would let detroit go bankrupt and let the ripple affect follow, bill. bill: that is a very interesting point too when you talk about the auto bailout and how democrats have hammered that home time and again. they will always -- you can repeat it off the top of your head right now. one in eight jobs in ohio tied to the auto industry. republicans will debate that number. with all the money spent on advertising there can you tell who was more effective at getting out their message. >> reporter: well you take about getting out the message and the ground game out here was unprecedented. you could use words like overwhelming. you heard people in ohio use the word annoying just because their door had been knocked on, their tv was besieged, their phone was wronging all the time. you can look to one exit poll question and provide the answer as far as who was more effective and that question was, who do you blame for the current
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economic problems. this is in a state that ranks 10th in terms of foreclosure, who did they blame? 51% of them blamed president bush. only 40% of them pointed to the current president in terms of responsibility for the economy. bill: no republican has ever won the white house without ohio, and that stands yet again today. mike tobin live in columbus. thank you, mike. martha: all right, let's get a look at the big board this morning because stocks are sharply lower in the wake of the u.s. presidential election, down 212 points right now, also some news from europe weighing in on that number today, but it is a dark picture so far for the stocks exchange as it gets opened. we'll see how it goes throughout the day. bill: we are getting ready for another whooper in the northeast. look at these scenes in long beach, new york. sandy has destroyed the lives of countless thousands of people here and they are still dealing witness. almost a million still without power, even today and now
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another sreupbts storm is goin winter storm is going to come up the coast and hit them again. the recovery effort is on going as we speak. martha: there is the scene from last night in chicago. with the campaign over back to work time for president obama and for congress. but has anything changed to break the gridlock? we certainly hope so. we will debate next. >> we are not as divided as our politics suggest. we are not as cynical as the pundits believe. one. two. three. my credit card rewards are easy to remember. with the bankamericard cash wards credit card, i earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ both ] 2% back on groceries. [ all ] 3% on gas! no hoops to jump through. i earn more cash back on the things i buy most. [ woman in pet store ] it's as easy as... [ all ] one! -two. -[ all ] three! [ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards credit card.
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bill: so we may be looking at a recount in the senate race in north dakota. have a look at this now, about as close as you can get. democrat heidi hicamp edging out republican congressman rich byrd by less than one percentage point, 50-50 screen right there. berg will not concede this race,
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listen. >> it's a close one. i want to thank everybody for being here, putting up with us all day long and being up so late. i appreciate that. i appreciate everyone who voted today. i've got to fetch my wife and kids and we'll see you later. >> that from late last night. we'll see how that develops today. north dakota's unemployment rate is 3%. the energy sector has just gone crazy good. heitcamp says she is confident, she won the seat vacated by lien conrad. there is a possible raupb recount for that state. martha: the nation almost split down the middle in the popular vote and one former clinton administration member saying that he hoped that president obama when he came out last night would address that division in his victory speech. here is lanny davis. >> barack obama is going to have to be humble. he's going to have to see that the needle hasn't moved since
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2000 from a red-blue 50-50 nation and he's got to govern differently in his second term and say so tonight with humility. he has a great victory in the electorial college, but he faces this split and he's got to reach across the aisle as governor romney said. martha: now here is part of the president's speech from last night. >> in the coming weeks and months i am looking forward to reaching out and working with leaders of both parties to meet the challenges we can only solve together, reducing our deficit, reforming our tax code, fixing our immigration system, freeing ourselves from ownre oil. we've got mor foreign oil. we've got more work to do. >> i'm joined my tucker carlson editor of the "daily caller" and a fox news contributor. alan colmes host of the alan
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colmes radio show and author a new book. humility i'm not sure what we saw in the president's speech. >> i don't think so. he clearly wants to work with the other party. i think -- martha: what was preventing that from happening over the past four years? >> i know you're going to think i'm partisan wao we sa when i say this. mitch mcconnell said moy whole goal imy whole goal is to get him not rereelected. >> bill did a great interview with john boehner out in ohio. boner said hjohn boehner said he hasn't had a face-to-face meeting with the president since july. >> i think the president as the victor doesn't need to be the one to reach out. the no gloat zone and show
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humility. it's a good way to put it. it's up to the victor to heal the country and reach out to the side that may not be feeling so well right now. tucker i think he should call you personally. >> humility is not a quality associated with second term presidents. all of them look at the election results, see a man date and act on it. he has this political capital, how will he spend it? global warming is one thing he wants to address. that is not an issue at this point. i think the president wants to unify the country but it's not how he ran this campaign. this was not a campaign on teams to reunite the country. it was designed to identify specific groups, college educated unmarried women, hispanics and set them off against one another in order to win. martha: that clearly works. when you look at the exit polls it clearly worked in terms of a targeted approach to bring in the votes and achieve the goal which was to get a second term,
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right? now you have a president who looks at the work that is cut out for him in the second permanent, what needs to be done, improving the economy, bettering our sort of global position, all of that, and ensuring a legacy. it becomes that message, that is the overarching thing now. >> while you may think that now he's going to go crazy, he's a left-wing radical he is going to do everything he wants. first of all he can't he still has the same make up in the house and the seven a. he would like to be remembered as somebody with accomplishments who could work with the other side. legacy is very key to what happens in the second term of a president. >> i think in the case of this president it will be the courts of course, that will be a way to pass on your ideological legacy, not the supreme court alone but lower courts. by lose evening up immigration standards you assure generations
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of democratic control of course. i'm making an obvious point. the republican party is weak at this moment and it's possible that the president will be able to steam roll the congress in getting those things through. there are definite ideological fights ahead. >> if you're going to lighten up immigration polls you'll create a democratic base. there is another reason to do this to have fairness and equity for people who have been living in this country under the rey car that have nowhere to go. clearly there is a reason to do i it other than political consequences. martha: have to end it there. bill: there is marijuana and there is gay marriage. what passed and what did not. and for the second time in the east residents are told to pack up and head for higher ground. a major storm again taking dead
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aim at the statement people struggling from sandy. [ male announcer ] when was the last time something made your jaw drop? campbell's has 24 new soups that will make it drop over, and over again. ♪ from jammin' jerk chicken, to creamy gouda bisque. see what's new from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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bill: the hits from mother nature do not stop now for the storm-ravaged northeast. parts of new york, new jersey and connecticut that stpeul do nostill do not have power a week after sandy another huge storm is brewing and heading their way. we are going to anna in a very chilly long beach, new york. good morning there. >> good morning, bill. we are starting to get pelted with a wintry mix. it's starting to get miserable out here. the ocean starting to get angry. in a half hour flood warnings begin for this area. this nor'easter really has long beach extremely vulnerable following everything that happened with hurricane sandy. this sandy sea in front of me
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had been taken by storm surge out into the streets and we watched for several days as bulldozers have piled it back up to try to offer some sort of protection. the boardwalk a mangled, tangled mess. about 33,000 people live here in long beach year round but they do depend hef virginia low on tourism, really hoping the boardwalk gets back up and running by the summer. all they can think about as they brace for this nor'easter is trying to get warm. >> you don't have any plumbing, you don't have any power. >> no electric, can't get to the bank, no cell phones. no one has been around. we need heat, we need running water. it's sewage water, it's disgusting. i don't know if i'm going to make it any more. i don't know what to do. i can't do it no more. >> reporter: and bill you can really hear the desperation in these people's voices, they say they are experiencing all sorts of anxiety. bill: well, you know, anna some of that region, they are under evacuation orders yet again, are
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they not? >> reporter: right, yeah, police are going into low-lying areas throughout the region asking people to seek higher ground. there are even some mandatory evacuations in place in some parts of new jersey. but a lot of people don't want to leave their homes. they are clinging to the few belongings that they even have left. so as you can see behind me past this truck there is a utility light that they brought in. those are scattered across the island to try to curb looters. there is also a curfew in place. if you see all this debris here this is pretty much the story up and down every street here in long beach, but you do see some signs of resill generals, bill that person flag erected above that rubble r. it could actually be covered with snow. some parts expected to get up to six inches. back to you. bill: it looks like an absolute mess out there. anna best to you and our crew and certainly the people trying to get through this very, very difficult time. anna, long beach, new york, long island. martha: how did both of the
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parties fare with the down ballots races last night? we have that just ahead. bill: president obama saying he will work with congress to break the gridlock, that means republicans in congress. how does he plan on doing that with a clock ticking on a looming fiscal crisis. >> we look at democrats and republicans in government at all levels to put the people before the politics. i believe in american. i believe in the people of american. [cheers and applause] it's the little things in life that make me smile.
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bill: 10:31 here in new york. welcome back here, our friend joe trippi stops by right now. how are you doing, joe. >> good to be here. bill: you picked out three parts of the country that are very telling. let me get to that. about 2:00 this the morning last night this is how brit hume analyzed a second term for president obama. >> all these issues that were there before remain, the burden of debt and the weakness of the economy remain, and the president starts out again now not with a great new mandate, no big broad mandate that he can claim, he won by less than he did the first time. he has a difficult road ahead. i think mitt romney is wise to pray for him. bill: a lot of prayers today for everybody, including you, joe. you have zeroed in on three parts of the country, and this is an area we've not talked a lot about. you want to make a comment about
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nevada, colorado and new mexico. >> yeah, look i think when you look at that block they totally got taken off the map, i mean from romney, and i think primarily because of the huge divide that obama was able to rack up with latinos, hispanics. it took new mexico off the map very early. >> but new mexico was not really in the game, this was a ten-point victory. did you think that was a state that mitt romney had a shot at winning? >> no, he had to win colorado or nevada, had to, and i think they became part of this regional block. block. bill: the early voting in nevada favored the president. at least that's what was reported and born out. in colorado that could be a bit of a surprise when you lose by 4 points. >> the romney people had a better early vote, led in the early vote in colorado. bill: you're right about that. >> that is very surprising. again i think because of both
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hispanics and women divided, the obama payable were able to create there nationwide helped them in colorado. bill: there are blue counties around denver, that is pretty significant when you're trying to win that state. second part of the country you're going to wisconsin, michigan and ohio. all three states are blue, what do you say? >> that was a big part of the blocking strategy, and i think part -- i mean with ryan being picked from wisconsin you had to pick up either wisconsin or ohio, and i think -- i think both of these are a little surprising that he didn't win one of them. bill: he loses by 7 in wisconsin. i don't know how many folks were predicting that in wisconsin. the fire wall was really ohio, wisconsin iowa in the event that mitt romney does very well on the east coast. >> i think the auto bailout divide there helped in ohio. le real surprise still may be florida. i had obama winning 303
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electorial votes in my final map. i don't know too many who had 332 which would include florida. bill: florida hasn't been called just yet. are you suggesting that this lead holds up for the president, he gets 29 electorial votes? >> i do. i believe it's going to hold up. if it doesn't it becomes the i4 corridor and hispanics again. >> cuban-americans went for mitt romney. hispanics went for the president i big. >> overall in our exit polling hispanics are 10% of the election threat in 2012. what does this tell you? >> it's again the changing demographics of the country, changing demographics of florida. in virginia the same thing. i mean big demographic changes in the northern part of the state. >> he promised immigration reform an did not happen and he got a larger percentage of the hispanic vote in 2012 than
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2008. what explains that? >> i think what explains is it romney's decision in the primaries to move further to the right than most of the republican party. again, because to win his primary battle he moved off to the right on immigration. had he picked rubio, for instance and rubio had a very similar immigration proposal ready, that was very close to the president's, had that been sort of the pro active case made by romney with rubio maybe that would have changed some things. bill: that's some of the hind sight that we'll be talking about on special report later tonight. >> sorry. bill: virginia, because we have another moment to spend here this is a three-point winner for the president. you know what mitt romney and paul ryan did they went up and down the western side of the state. that is coal country and they did very well. i mean look at this red republican are, blue is democrat, from 2008 how little changes in this map. you see how suggest he will that is? this is montgomery county. that is the only county that
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barack obama won in that region in 2008. in 2012 it flips to red. you look to northern virginia to get your votes. >> that's writ is. that's what is changing the northern virginia is changing. virginia had not been won by a democrat since 1964, lyndon baines johnson. obama wins it in 2008. this is significant that it again, two years in a row now, two cycles in a row have gone for a democrat. that tells you that virginia is not the southern -- the southern part of the southern strategy -- bill: that it was. >> yeah it's really amazing what has happened demographically. bill: good to see you, joe. joe trippi with us at the billboard. martha: it's a big time show. all right. well after months of furious campaigning by congressional candidates and billions on ads across the country what will be balance of power look like on capitol hill come january, and what's at stake over the next four years. molly henneberg is live on that
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story for us in washington this morning. molly, democrats will hold onto their majority in the senate, they picked up a few seats. but the numbers have changed a little bit. what can you tell us? >> reporter: martha, it depends on a couple of too close to call races. even if democrats get those seats they still will not have a filibuster-proof majority and will have to negotiate with senate republicans. here is what the senate looks like after last night's election. democrats 51 seats, republicans 45, 2 independents. both expected to caucus with democrats. if you add in the independents democrats have 53 votes, republicans have 45. here is what we are still watching. in north dakota and open seat after a democratic senator retired. there is a slim lead in the number for democrat heidi heitcamp. democrats are hoping to keep one there. ph montana john tester is trying to hold onto his seat against republican congressman denny raeberg. depending own how these race
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turn out senate democrats will have somewhere between 53 and 55 votes and republicans will have somewhere between 45 and 47 votes. >> what is the situation over on the house side, molly. >> reporter: republicans will retain trofplt you need 218 votes in the house for a month skwroert. although 20 something races are still to be decided it looks like republicans will have somewhere around 235 seats. they'll have the majority. that means john boehner will keep his job as speaker of the house. john boehner made a point of saying last night voters kept the gop in control of the house which suggests they do not want the government to raise their taxes. as far as the minority leader it will be up to house democrats to decide if nancy pelosi will keep that job. it's not all over for the lame duck congress. they will be under pressure to come to a debt deal before $400 billion of automatic new taxes, and $100 billion in automatic defense and domestic
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spending program cuts hit in january. martha, as you know that's what is called the fiscal cliff. martha: and here it comes. we'll see who it is avoided or not. molly thank you very much. bill: so, we got issues, everything from legalizing marijuana to gay marriage. we'll break down the results on that outcome. martha: that will be interesting. and a lot of questions looming this morning about the future of the republican party. where does the gop go from here? >> i so wish, i so wish that i had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction, but the nation chose another leader, and so ann and i join with you to earnestly pray for him and for this great nation.
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bill: other headlines now. did you know there is other news in america. 17 minutes before the hour.
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police in fresno, california searching for a motive today after a work-place shooting. the gunman ma methodically opened fire on his coworkers in a chicken processing plant. two dead, two others wounded before the gunman killed himself. an expected nor'easter begins later today. the storm could pack winds of 60 miles an hour. that would be twice in one week bringing six inches of snow to some parts of the area. voters in storm-battered staten island, new york turning out to reelect new york city's lone congressional republican, michael grimm is the winner holding onto his seat defeating democratic challenger mark murphy. martha: well this morning no doubt there are new questions about how the republican party will move forward in president obama's second term. meanwhile both democrats and republicans praising governor romney for a very gracious concession speech that he gave last night.
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here is part of that. >> i believe that the principles upon which this nation was founded are the only sure guide to a resurgent economy and to renewed greatness. like so many of you, paul and i have left everything on the field. we have given our all to this campaign. [cheers and applause] martha: once again nobody would dispute that. we are so pleased to be joined this morning by peggy noonan, come umist for the wall street junior and speech writer. what did you think about his speech last night. >> there is a long tradition of graciousness when our presidential candidates on both sides concede a very hard-fought race, and they conceded in a certain amount of exhaustion, and they obviously you concede with disappointment but you summon up the grace that is
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needed to show due deference to the and to the new president. it's actually a miracle what we do. martha: you're so right about that, the peaceful transition of power that we've witnessed time after time, i think so many of us take for granted. it is a uniquely american achievement and we'll watch that play out as we go through the course of january. the other thing that will play out is a lot of rehashing and a lot of thought process into where the grand old party goes from here, peggy. and i want to put up a couple of polls that show how president obama and governor romney did with latino voters and with women voters and we'll take a look at those as they come up and maybe as we do that you could give us your thoughts. even as early as last night i was sitting next toed rollins we were doing a panel on shepard smith's broadcast coverage an said you know what the gop needs to rethink the way it approaches latinos and women. what do you think? >> i think, yes.
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i think change or die. i think this was a really big election for the republican party. i think they will have to be -- they'll really literally have to do a big think on what they are in the world, what they seem to be in the world, what their job is in the world, how they are going to seek to prosper in the future. i don't think anybody can do it right now, because everybody's tired and a lot of people, i mean half the country voted for, just about, and a lot of them worked hard for mitt romney, and are feeling disappointed at the moment, they are feeling sad. over the next few weeks they are going to have spontaneous conversations and then more formal conversations about what isn't working. i don't think it would be helpful to do big attacks, if you know what i mean. what would be helpful is to say, look at the lay of the land, look at where we are, look at
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who has been leading us, what can be changed? martha: i was struck, though, tucker carlson was here a little while ago an was talking about how the obama campaign was so successful in microtargeting. when you went to the democratic national convention we heard so much about abortion rights and birth control and all of that. a lot of people thought, gee is this really what we're talking about in this day and age? and those kinds of issues. and i look at the gop convention, and you had, you know, condoleezzaa rice, you had ted cruz, marco rube bow, representing those groups, not being part of one of those groups but just talking about what was good for mesh. apparently that doesn't work. >> well i'm not sure it doesn't work, but look there is a -- i understand what you're saying about the republican convention with two of those speakers in particular, condoleezzaa rice and susana march taoepbz, my mother a long-time democrat,
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brooklyn, working class, irish catholic called me up and they said, if they are a republican i am a republican, that's the good news. but you cannot dodge i think the reality that the republican party has a woman problem. men are supportive, women are not. you've got to look at it. and i suspect as the party gets itself together it will start to think, well maybe as we consider that we better have some women in the room. martha: peggy, as always, great to have your wisdom and insight this morning. thanks so much. we'll see you soon. >> thank you so much. i hope i see you again very soon. martha: we look forward to it. bill: see you up here in new york. i've got to tell you the all-star folks that we have on our staff who know elections, frankly better than anyone else that you will find in this country, and certainly better than any other network out there. it was an honor to work with them hand-in-hand, you know, folks on the right, and folks on the left, and when you see them all in the same room, and the
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same building at the same time. martha: you feel lucky to walk around the hall and you bump into one to the other and say hey, what do you think, what is going on, it's a fascinating experience. bill: voters across the country deciding ballot initiatives last night. marijuana, gay marriage, you name it. we've got it next. >> we are beyond prohibition 80 years ago. we repealed alcohol prohibition and we are doing the same thing when it comes to marijuana. we are a step ahead. there's the sign to the bullpen. here he comes. you wouldn't want your doctor doing your job, the pitch! so why are you doing his? whoa! only your doctor can determine if your persistent heartburn
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bill: voters in 40 states making history last night deciding on sweeping ballot initiatives in their states. on everything from gay marriage to legalizing marijuana.
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will jawilliamguilian. >> people have spoken, they want their pot and the revenue that goes witness. marijuana is still illegal under federal law. foe in the memorable words of colorado's governor telling his people, quote, don't break out the cheetos or gold fish yet. that is after colorado and washington became the first states to legalize marijuana for recreation aluse, allowing people to grow and stores to sell up to an ounce to those over 21. the likely impact, however, lower prices, and lower profits for the cartels as colorado is also allowing big tobacco to mass produce marijuana cigarettes. but now do the feds step in prosecuting users and growers, and punishing the states by withholding highway money? or do more states rush in to
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legalize pot hoping to end the expensive war on drugs nationwide? >> as much as marijuana prohibition has failed in colorado it's failed across the nation, and i think that colorado has set a wonderful model for regulated medical marijuana. we can set the same kind of model for regulated adult use marijuana. >> both colorado and washington which is taxing i think 25% on the sale of the cigarettes, both states project, bill, big tax revenues in the millions if these things hold up. bill: i imagine that was incentive to put it out there. there was victory for same-sex marriage in some states, where, william? >> reporter: for the first time in the u.s. by popular vote maryland and maine and washington approved gay marriage prompting celebrations in several cities. in the past same-sex marriage was approved by the courts and by state lawmakers. gay marriage is now legal in nine states but banned or
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prohibit ned 41, which is why many expect the supreme court, bill to decide this one way or the other. the pot issue could also go to the supreme court, bill as a states rights issue. bill: william, thank you. we'll continue to follow all of that. martha: can you believe this. a new danger is now out there for the east coast, a nor'easter with snow and wind and rain starting to bear down on the same states devastated by sandy just last week. you've got to just hope and pray for these folks along this coastline, everybody. janice dean is here with the latest. ♪ ♪
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